Ready to Develop a Solid Foundation to Change Your Career in 2024?

Strategically Elevate Your Career Trajectory in

Just Three Days

Feeling stuck and overwhelmed?

Professionals often get to a stage in their careers where the need for change and progress clashes with the demands of day-to-day work and responsibilities. Leaving them feeling stuck and overwhelmed and making it harder to achieve the career success they set out to achieve a year or two ago.

Maybe you've been there before, all set to make big moves in your professional life, at the start of a new year or when you finally have a moment to focus on your career goals. But as soon as you make some progress you find yourself back drowning in your workload held hostage by your day job and constant work demands. Feeling you can't set any time aside for the life you desire and instead you engage in overwork leading you to give up on your career goals and dreams. You want things in your professional life to change, but the same challenges seem to get in your way every time.

If you...

❌ If you fear another year passing without meeting your career goals, feeling stuck in the same place

❌ Worried that despite your efforts, the next twelve months will just be a repeat of the last, lacking significant professional progress.

❌ Feel frustrated by the desire for career growth and change but feel constrained by the demands of your current workload.

I get it!

I was caught in that loop for many years, where work became all-consuming and my ambitions for a better paying job or career fulfilment took a back seat. I understand the frustration of wanting change but struggling to break free from the daily grind.

Get immediate access to Strategically Elevate Your Career and create a solid foundation for career change in the next twelve months.

Stopping and starting your career change journey can lead to panic and overwhelm, leading to accepting positions that may not be aligned to the life and career you desire. Instead of slowing down and giving yourself time to move into the right career or job for you.

This is why the key pillars outlined in this three-day experience are so important in building a strong foundation for your career change journey.

Three major challenges come from rushing your career change, these are:

Lack of Reflective Planning

Many professionals fall into the habit of postponing career planning until they have more time later. However, this never happens due to constant work demands leaving little room for focused reflection and strategic goal-setting. As a result, aspirations for change remain unfulfilled.


Inadequate Review of Skills and Experience

The typical approach rushed job changes is not reflecting on achievements, challenges, and growth opportunities leading to job changes without a clear vision or strategy.

Failure to Reset

By not taking stock and planning ahead, professionals often find themselves repeating the challenges in their careers, not letting go of behaviours and patterns that got them into this career situation to begin with and struggling to break free from the routine.

I understand these all too well. It's easy to get caught in this cycle, where the rush to find another job to get away from the current work situation leaves little room for career reflection and strategic resetting.

My story wasn't any different…

For years in my professional life I felt like a hamster stuck on a wheel going round in circles hoping for a different result.

My professional life was fast paced, and marked with unrealistic deadlines, an overwhelming workload and an ever-changing work environment. But I worked hard because I figured someone would see my worth. I learned much later that waiting to be recognised and not taking control of my path is what kept me unfulfilled and disconnected.

It wasn't until much later, when I was burned out and suffering from stress related illnesses that I started to slow down to take stock of my life and career and really look at what I was doing. It's only then when things change.

Contrary to what our corporate jobs teach us that being “ always on” and “constantly busy” means we are productive and successful —

I discovered that slowing down was my catalyst for change. Initially it felt counterintuitive and some days I still struggle. But this shift in approach became one of the most valuable strategies I implemented in my career journey.

Slowing down allowed me the space for reflection, evaluation, and the much-needed rest. It paved the way for improvement in my work and achievements of my goals. I gained newfound clarity in navigating my career path and achieving a sense of fulfilment and purpose.

This shift in mindset and pace transformed my professional life. It enabled me to take control, make informed decisions, and strategically align my actions with my career aspirations. It was this realisation that inspired me to create this Align: Reflect, Review & Reset for Career Success —an opportunity for professionals like you to break free from the cycle of constant motion and start on a path of intentional career growth.

Align: Reflect, Review & Reset for Career Success

An immersive journey designed to equip you with essential tools for reflection, review, and strategically resetting for career success. This experience is designed to empower you, offering a clear and actionable framework to elevate your career trajectory.

Here’s what you can expect when you join this experience.



Day one is all about introspection, understanding the highs, lows, and the invaluable lessons learned.

Get ready to dive into a journey of self-discovery, exploring the pivotal moments that influenced your professional


Gain clarity by identifying successes, challenges, and pivotal moments from the past year.

Extract valuable lessons and insights to inform future career decisions.

Establish a comprehensive understanding of personal growth areas and achievements.



As we move into Day 2, it's time to evaluate your career goals and professional life in detail.

Today is dedicated to a comprehensive analysis, examining the goals you've set and your overall professional trajectory. Get set to assess where you stand and celebrate your progress.


Evaluate the alignment between current career status and previously set goals.

Analyse various facets of professional life, including skills, achievements, and aspirations.

Celebrate achievements and identify areas requiring further focus or development.



This pivotal phase is dedicated to strategic recalibration. Today is all about introspection and strategic realignment.

Decide what needs rethinking, what to let go of, and what shifts you need to make to set yourself up for a successful career.


Engage in introspection to determine areas in your career and life you want to rethink.

Identify aspects that need to be released or adjusted for career growth.

Leverage insights gained during the experience to inform your career goals and intentions.

Click below to enrol now and start your journey to a better career!


Be a part of the experience.


What is Align: Reflect, Review & Reset for Career Success? 

Align is an immersive program designed to facilitate career elevation. It's a three-day experience tailored for mid-career professionals seeking strategic reflection, review, and resetting opportunities within a guided framework. It empowers individuals through personal and professional introspection, offering a clear path to advance their career trajectory.

What can I expect to gain from participating in Align? 

By participating, you can expect to achieve clarity through reflection, conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your career progress, and develop actionable strategies for intentional career growth. 

How do I access Align?

Align will be available for purchase and accessible at any time. Upon purchase, you'll receive instructions and access to the program through a secure online platform. Resources and guidance will be provided to navigate through each module at your own pace.

Is there any follow-up or support after completing Align? 

Yes, after completing Align, you'll have the option to explore additional support. This may include access to individual coaching sessions tailored to your needs (additional charges may apply). Furthermore, you are encouraged to engage in our FREE Facebook community for ongoing support and continuous learning.

What if I can't complete the program in one go? 

While we recommend completing the entire program to fully benefit from its offerings, we understand time constraints may arise. Once purchased, you'll have unlimited access to Align, allowing you to progress through the program at your own pace, revisiting the content whenever it suits you.


© 2024 SelinaNewman PTY LTD | Career Coaching & Mentoring

Cape Town

South Africa

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