Finally Take Charge Of Your Career!

Go from stuck to knowing exactly what to do next in your career!

Discover this Ultimate Career Development Planning Template that gives you

a proven 5-step framework with all the tools you need to eliminate uncertainty

and intentionally shape your career path.

My clients are professionals who have achieved so much in their careers...

but one of the biggest challenges they often have is taking their career beyond a certain point where they plateau. What they don't realise is that the cause of this is not being proactive about how they want their career to evolve, often leaving it to chance. I love the quote by Jim Rohn that your life (or, in this case, your career) does not get better by chance - it gets better with change. That is why having a Career Development Plan is essential for career success because it puts you in the driver's seat to create the life and career you desire.

Here is what my clients experience when they don't create a Career Development Plan:

🚫They experience slower career progress because they are not proactively closing the gap on the skills needed to progress to the next level in their careers.

🚫They often feel role changes are not aligned to their career goals because they often put someone else like a manager or a leader in charge of their progression at work.

🚫They experience career stagnation that leaves them feeling unfulfilled in their careers.

🚫They often say yes to roles that don't resonate with their long-term career aspirations or dreams, leaving them feeling like they going in circles in their careers.

Leaving your career development to chance or in someone else's hands can lead to a career that lacks meaning or aligned progression.

I want you to know that you are not alone in this. I spent most of my professional life doing the same. I thought my work would speak for itself and that my career would unfold in a meaningful way if I just worked hard. I made so many of these mistakes - let me know if this is you:


Feeling frustrated, directionless and disheartened because I left my progress to chance or to others to manage.



Feeling trapped and stagnating in my career because of I wasn’t proactively taking control of my career development.


Lacking control over my path because I didn't have my next two positions mapped - leading to staying in roles much longer than I needed to because I wasn't sure what to do next.

These common approaches create uncertainty, powerlessness, and a lack of direction, stifling professional growth and fulfilment.

Ready to take control of your career journey?

Get instant access to our comprehensive Career Development Planning Template. Design your path, align your aspirations, and create a purpose-driven career today.


The Ultimate Career Development Planning Template

Take confident steps and gain clear, actionable insights to design and align your career path, providing a solid foundation for your next five years.

When you purchase your Career Development Plan today.

You get instant access to:

Vision Worksheet

Align your career aspirations with your life goals, ensuring your career choices resonate with your values

Career Roadmap

A structured guide to map your next two career moves, providing a clear path for the next five years.

Skills Assessment

Understand your skills and experience proficiency, helping you pinpoint development areas.

Gap Analysis

Identify the skills and qualifications needed for your desired roles, bridging the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Action Plan

Create clear actions to implement your career plan, allowing you to track your progress effectively.


Access Key Strategies: for keeping your Career Plan up-to-date to ensure your plan evolves with you, adapting to new opportunities and goals.

Having a powerful and comprehensive career plan will:

🌟 Give you Clarity and Direction:

A clear career plan acts like a roadmap, helping you know where to go even when things seem uncertain. It gives you the power to build your career intentionally.

🌟 Encourage Proactive Decision-Making:

Having a plan tailored to you means making choices that fit your longer-term career goals, not just reacting to what is happening in the moment.

🌟 Foster Self-Empowerment:

Creating your career plan gives you control, letting you take charge of where you want to go professionally.

🌟 Ensure Goal Alignment:

Your plan ensures your life dreams match your professional goals, ensuring that your career moves align with what you value and where you want to go.

🌟 Support Continuous Growth:

It's not just about the next job. Your career plan helps you keep growing by consistently developing new skills and evolving along the way.

These benefits highlight how a thoughtful career plan can truly transform your professional journey, giving you the confidence and direction to navigate your career with purpose.

Hey there, I'm Selina!

I'm an ICF-accredited coach with over 400 hours of coaching. I designed my coaching practice, SelinaNewman Coaching & People Development, to empower mid-career professionals to successfully manage career transitions and change.

My coaching approach combines a transformational humanistic coaching methodology with tailored tools and strategies for each client's unique needs. This approach empowers my clients to craft purpose-driven and balanced careers.

My values as a career coach are rooted in integrity, open-mindedness, curiosity, and honesty. These values serve as the cornerstone of my coaching practice, guiding me to create a safe and collaborative space where clients can embark on a journey to become their best selves.

Right now, you might be thinking…

I'm not sure if a career plan will really make a difference.

I understand the hesitation, a career plan acts as a roadmap, offering direction and control. It's about empowering you to shape your career, ensuring each step aligns with your vision.

I don't have much time to dedicate to this.

Time is valuable, and the Career Planning Template is designed to fit your schedule. Small, consistent steps lead to significant progress. You'll see the impact when you dedicate just a few minutes a day over the next 7 days.

I've tried planning before, and it didn't work out.

Previous attempts might not have hit the mark, but this isn't about a rigid plan. It's about flexibility and adaptability. Our template allows you to create your plan in a way that supports your unique journey.

I'm not sure if this is worth the investment.

Investing in your career is investing in yourself. At just $9, you gain access to a tool that provides clarity, direction, and a strategy for your professional journey—a small investment for significant career progress.

I'm worried my career goals might change, making a plan irrelevant.

It's natural for goals to evolve. The Career Planning Template is flexible and adaptable. It allows you to review and adjust your plan as your career goals change, ensuring it remains aligned with your evolving aspirations.

Get instant access now!


Be a part of the experience.


Is this Career Development Planning Template suitable for all career levels?

Yes, absolutely! Our template is designed to cater to professionals at various career stages, whether you're just starting or looking to progress further. It's adaptable to your specific needs and aspirations.

How much time must I dedicate to using the Career Development Planning Template?

We understand time is valuable. The template is structured to fit into your schedule. You can complete it in one sitting or dedicate time to it daily. It's about consistent small steps to make meaningful progress.

What if I'm not sure about my career goals?

That's okay! The template includes tools to help you explore and refine your goals. It's designed to guide you through the process of discovering and articulating your career aspirations.

I've never made a career plan before. Will I be able to use this template?

Absolutely! The template is user-friendly and offers step-by-step guidance, ensuring ease of use. 

Will I have ongoing access to the Career Development Planning Template?

Yes! Upon purchase, you can immediately download and save it to your personal drive. You can revisit, update, and modify your plan as your career evolves.

Ready to design your purpose-driven career and take control of your journey?


© 2024 SelinaNewman PTY LTD | Career Coaching & Mentoring

Cape Town

South Africa

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