Personalised 1:1 Coaching Programmes

Are you ready to explore personalised coaching options to address your unique career goals?

Whether you're pursuing clarity in your career direction, building confidence in your current position, designing your exit strategy, or figuring out your next career move, I'm here to help.

Choose an option below to embark on a transformative journey and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.

The Accountability Coaching Programme

This immersive 1:1 coaching experience will take you from undecided, overwhelmed, and stuck in your career to clarity and feeling inspired to implement the changes you discover during the programme. It's the starting point for your journey to a more aligned career path.

The Accountability programme is unique – you take complete control of the coaching journey. Decide how many sessions you want (3, 6, or 9) over three, six, or nine months. Clients have used this programme to prepare for their next role, find clarity, feel more confident in their careers, design their exit strategy, and so much more.

Click the link below to book your call today!

The Career Breakthrough Session

Ready to Create Momentum?

This personalised coaching experience empowers you to navigate unique work challenges. During our 90-minute session, we collaborate to address the one thing keeping you stuck right now, creating practical solutions and strategies for immediate action and momentum. To ensure you follow through, you have access to me for 7 days to ask questions and work through obstacles as they arise. It's like having me in your back pocket, supporting you to create momentum and change.

The Career Strategy Hour

This 60-minute session is designed to answer all your burning career questions, whether it's about the direction to take in your career or deciding between further study, gaining work experience, or making a complete career change. The session is designed to provide you with insights to move forward with ease.

Get one hour with me to ask anything career-related. In this session, you get coaching, mentoring, and consulting all in one. I share everything I know to help you get unstuck and create momentum.

Selina has been such an integral part of my career. Through her coaching I have been able to develop strategies and ways to "show up as my authentic self" at work which has really helped change my career! Never realised the importance of a career coach until I started working with her.

Indipile, Solutionist at Synthesis Software Technologies

Ready to take the next step in your career journey?

Let's discuss which coaching option is best suited for you and how we can work together to achieve your career goals.


© 2024 SelinaNewman PTY LTD | Career Coaching & Mentoring

Cape Town

South Africa